Thursday, December 16, 2010

one year ends, a new one begins

well, 2010 is quickly coming to a close.  and what a crazy year it's been.  but rather than dwell on all the things that happened in the past, i'd rather look to the future.  what's the next year going to bring for me?  for hubs?  princess?  bubs?

while i can't answer what will happen for other people, i can at least speculate for myself.  yes, it's a little too early to start with the new years resolutions, but indulge me.

in 2011 i will.....

begin the chickenmommas podcast with my friend andi.
never drink another soda
cut out all hfcs
begin my yoga teacher certification

and that's all i'm going to focus on.  no "i'm going to loose x amount of pounds".  no "travel the world".  i figure that if those things are meant to happen, they'll happen anyway.  so i might as well focus on those 4 things.  keep it simple. 

i'm not saying that those 4 things are ALL i'm going to do.  those are just the only ones that i'm setting as a goal for now.  but remember, everything is fluid.  if were not flexible, we break.

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