Thursday, January 9, 2014

my gluten free experiment

i'm going to start this off my saying i've lost nothing.  admittedly weight loss is not my main goal, the elimination of at times debilitation stomach cramps is (and in that case it's just working fine, thanks for asking), but it would be nice. but all in all, the food that i've had this week has been tasty, fresh, and with the exception of the massive amount of tortilla chips, good for me.  tortilla chips are just an easy go to grab for a snack.  so here is what i've had to eat most of this week.
eggs and hash browns, with home made bacon bits (from real bacon!!)

merangues.  yes i know their mostly sugar and chocolate chips.  sue me
meat loaf and green salad.  


i got a Ninja blender for yule from the hubby, and i love it so much.  the first thing i made in it was the guaco-salsa.  here is the recipe:


2 tomato's of your choice - i picked a couple of hot house tomatoes
1 jalapeno
1 avocado
2 cloves of garlic
pinch of salt

take the top off the tomato's and the jalapeno, take the "paper" off the garlic, slice the avocado and take out the pit, remove the flesh from the skin. dump it all in the blender .  add a pinch of salt. 


yes, i felt the need to write it down. because it was damn tasty.  this next week, i'll focus more on better gluten free choices, and concentrate on making time for yoga.  

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