Monday, February 24, 2014

Permanint Fixtures

i made a joke the other day, i don't even remember what we were talking about, but i said "well, in our dream home..." ya da ya da ya da.  Hubby looked at me and smiled, "baby, this IS our dream home."

and he's right.  we didn't buy this house to turn around and sell it in five or ten years.  we bought it because it has character, and a personality, and a soul.  it needs someone to take care of it.  to love it.  and we do.  it even has it's own name.  Greenhome.  bubby named it, and it was one of those perfect and serendipitous names that is amazing and right, and all those things.  and honestly, unless something drastic happens, i don't ever see us leaving Greenhome.  its ours and we are it's.

it's honey color pine floors, chocolaty baseboards, and cream color plaster.  the garden that will take up the entirety of the front yard.  the back yard that i'm sure, given even fifty years, will never match the picture i have in my head (which involves massive multi level tree houses, pirate ships, and a TARDIS garden shed).  the zen garden i want to put in the side where i can't get anything to grow.  it's broken fence and peeling paint.  its built in china cabinet, and the part of the wall where it's last caretaker chose to fix it with duct tape.  the good and the bad, we belong together.

Greenhome isnt an investment.  it is our home.  the place where we can simply be.  

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