Saturday, April 23, 2011

Natural healing sometimes has to take a... backseat.

I started feeling poorly on thursday. Friday I called in sick.   I never call in sick. The way I look at it, if I can walk and talk, I can work.  Saturday I muscled through half a day before I gave up the ghost and just went home.  (On the plus side, Hubby got to ride home in a sports car, go him).  I tried honey and lemon, gargleing with salt water, nothing helped.  Saturday afternoon I went to the doctor.  Strep throat.  I forgot how much strep hurt. 

Almost as much as the shot in the butt of penicillin.

I love natural remedies. But sometimes you just have to bow to the magic of science.  Apparently in the butt.


  1. Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Well, penicillin is natural, as well... ^^ Get well soon!

  3. Oh my... penicillin in the butt?! At least you have a sense of humor about it. :) Feel better soon!!
